New Local Social Network ” My” Announces Pre Launch Phase
With the launch of My Cities Finest this new site promise\’s to help people unite online in a new online experience, with features like Video Chat, Desktop Applications, and Mobile Phone Apps, My Cities Finest seems ready to take on the other big Social Sites.With these other social networking sites already established its time for My Cities Finest to step in and make its own name, and provide a better user experience being able to load your own music. (must have exclusive rights to distribute the tracks) You will also be able to load your Portfolios online for everyone to see, everyone should believe that there the Finest, so everyone should log on and join and tell their friends, and when we start holding competitions on the web and in your city, we will Crown My Cities Finest Users, but will offer the Title to different local business that deserve that title. So we want all business to join and compete, so if your Modeling Agency, Film Studio, or Music Studio thinks its the best come show us why. It will also help you connect and be able to reach out to other members and get them involved, or shooting a movie or music video, need some extras reach out and cast some members local to you.
With My Cities Finest Just put out you can jump on the next greatest social network as it blossoms, so what are you waiting for go to and create your login today and start spreading the word today.
New Social Networking Website Helps To Promote Local Artist, Models, and Photographers.

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