The way i-beta presents the hits is unique. With hardly any lag and accurate search results using i-beta has proven to be a pleasure. I-beta is a search engine that allows users to customize their landing page to almost any language they choose.
Search engines use spiders to crawl and index information on servers, worldwide. The data retrieved from these crawls are stored in the search provider's server. When a search is initiated, the actual search is conducted within the engine's servers to find those combinations of words. Each search engine currently uses different methods to categorize relevancy, thus indexing differently and interpreting the search differently to provide the indexed sites. Different engines yield different results and rankings.
i-beta conducts its searches the same way other search engines do. What makes i-beta stand out is the way it presents the hits. It is more than a search engine in the conventional sense of the term. Its strengths are in the method it displays hits and affords users the flexibility to choose relevant categories. The engine resides in an uncluttered environment, evidence to its focal objective to perform searches. To this end, developers allows users to specifically search certain categories. For example users can search specifically for images, video, news, sports, audio, forums, blogs, wikis, PDF or Amazon. This automatically reduces the hit results will only include relevant searches to that category.
The way i-beta presents the hits is unique. For example if an image search was initiated in the image category, all images are displayed where the user is allowed to inspect the image without visiting the site, if then users want to chase the category using the same key words, a click on the new category will result in the same keyword hits in a different category.
With hardly any lag and accurate search results using i-beta has proven to be a pleasure. Users' browsing security is a top priority here. I-beta also makes it simple for everyday users who have their own blog spots or websites, to earn additional revenue by becoming an affiliate of i-beta. These advertisements are pay-per-click advertisements where the participants earn when visitors to their site click on an advertisement. This affiliate program is customizable where participants can choose the advertisements that display on their site allowing participants to decline advertisements from advertisers as they see fit. offers a truly international experience for every visitor. I-beta is a search engine that allows users to customize their landing page to almost any language they choose. I-beta is an uncluttered search-only site that is not embedded within a portal amidst volumes of data. Its sole purpose is to search, locate and provide results.

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