
Sunday, December 26, 2010

top twitter directories

Top Twitter Directories

Here is a list of top twitter directories that can be used in a businesses online social media marketing campaign


Thursday, December 9, 2010

A review of “SearchGBY The website and extensions for FireFox and Chrome. The new enhancements to search, and a new twist in the search engine wars

A review of “SearchGBY The website and extensions for FireFox and Chrome. The new enhancements to search, and a new twist in the search engine wars

Every few months, someone tries to develop some new search technology, to challenge Google, and inevitably they fail. Nobody ever thought of simply enhancing the current search engine technologies. Along comes SearchGBY stands for Search Google, Bing and Yahoo - essentially what they have accomplished is aggregating the information from the three search engines , keeping the exact display format currently in use, while also introducing much needed search enhancements . Due to the innovative search engine technology enhancements, is currently defining themselves in the search engine technology war , while gaining attention , momentum, and copycats worldwide. founder Leo Jeremias states, “What we have been working for over a year has recently been launched by Google with half the functionality”. Google has recently announced image previews to their search, one of the fundamentals of SearchGBY, but they essentially ignored the main function, which is to be able to see the actual image preview and read it as if actually going to the website”.
“Although our website is very nice, we don’t want to change users search habits or what they are used to “, said Mr. Jeremias. So what has developed is a browsers plug-in for both Firefox and Chrome which essentially upgrades your search with all the bells and whistles you see on SearchGBY's website.
The first thing we noticed when installing SearchGBY internet browser extension was a small icon in the bottom right which acts as an on and off button so a user can turn the Plug in it on and off, and right click to toggle different features and play with different options. Since these plug-ins have so many enhancements you can pick and choose which is more important to you, and switch on and off as needed.
A tiny non invasive toolbar provides logos for Google Bing and Yahoo and take you directly to the results of either search engines, which actually isn’t needed since the results are available directly below if turned on. However that feature was useful when we turned off the aggregation. Here was the kicker although you can switch websites easily you don’t have to since even when on Google I can see Bing and Yahoos results right underneath completely separated in the same format as if Google itself was giving you Yahoo and Bing results. An automatic filter removes duplicate results, so you get only unique results in one page.
Another unique feature of is their “Fast Preview” search feature. We will get to that later.
Image previews are neatly placed next to the results and this is completely different than thumbnails, since clicking on them and rolling your mouse wheel, gives you a clear picture of the resulting page and if you wait another three seconds it pulls a real time image that is as clear as going to the website itself. This is perfect for avoiding ad heavy sites, malware, pop ups and viruses allows a user to get the search results that are relevant without loading any websites, or even leaving Google.
This leads to the “Fast Preview” button, which opens a small square box directly within Google and provides a crystal clear slide show format of results that you can flip through, similar to Goggle flip or other readers.
Load time was lightning fast and the simplicity and quality of the entire program was astounding.
When comparing the search engines side by side with traditional methods of search, here were the results;
When searching Google, the top ten results and after reading descriptions and deciding to visit half the sites for relevancy, we loaded 5 sites with a total search time of 1 minute 55 seconds (using a high speed connection)
When searching with SearchGBY we received more results since we were served Yahoo and Bing which left us after the filter with a total of twenty two results. Using a combination of fast preview and site previews, the total search time for entire page was twenty seconds and we never left Google, although fast preview loaded two blank images.
Another big advantage of SearchGBY's search engine technologies and browser extensions is the image searching, the one thing we feel like Google has major shortfalls with. Google's image preview display is unorganized, and clicking on any image loads the web page with the image. However with” Fast preview” a user can directly flip through images on one page and in large format. A user can also change the size of the images, and most importantly a user can right click and save different sizes of the images. The install was worth it just for this feature alone, especially since we have all recently seen viruses being passed on via image searching, most notably the “think point virus”.
In the Chrome extension we were given an additional option that enhanced image search even more. When clicking on the GBY logo it opened a pop up, that loaded the website and when searching images you can click the images and drag the corner of the box to change the picture size. This provided a clickable image search capability, that is more efficient than every other image search.
The image previews lead to the unique image bookmarks and bookmarking system. The concept behind this idea was pure genius, although this utility is better served for students or advanced users than the average user who has a hard time using computers in general. When a user previews the site result, and waits three seconds to fetch a real time image, user can click and drag within the image to crop a small section, the image gets a small box that you can move and resize, and by clicking the small plus sign it actually saves a section of the website you just viewed. This freezes it in time and allows you to pull interesting info, quotes and research. A user can then save it in a folder and view it as an image instead of webpage, on and offline and can provide groups of people the availability to share bookmarks and research easily, without sending them to twenty different sites.
Within image bookmarks they have a feature which is useful. The “Fast Preview “can be turned into a news aggregator that allows a user to flip through their favorite news sites and blogs, which will allow a user to read them in fast preview quickly.
The main difference between this news viewer and Google flip was that a user can add and remove news sites, and are not limited to the pre-packaged sites that Google will feed you, allowing a user to add blogs as well, something user cannot currently do with Google.
Another difference noticed is Google updates news once an hour, while the fast preview was pulling news in real time and we were seeing live stories as they happened in the slide show format.
We asked Mr. Jeremias what stops Google from doing this themselves and he answered, “first of all we have a patent pending”, and quickly added, “and the one thing no search engine can do is aggregate the results of its competition, so we will always be a step ahead”.
The Firefox plug-in already has received thousands of downloads and reviews have been amazing. The Chrome extension has had fewer users, but was only released as recently as last week.
When Mr.Jeremias was asked, “What’s next? “, he responded that they are currently working on an Internet Explorer extension, numerous enhancements that will provide additional results for different searches from more places, an IPHONE app, and much more, when we asked what else he laughed and said he couldn’t tell me but to , “stay tuned”, and we will.


Sunday, October 31, 2010

Top Online Business Models

Work At Home As Affiliate Marketer , e-book publisher or info product creator

Three Online Internet Business Models

1) Affiliate Marketing

This is perhaps the single most popular work at home internet business

model out there, seeing how the possibilities to

getting started are endless. Just about anyone can sign-up for an affiliate program for free and start

promoting products or services on the internet with hopes that someone will buy, giving them instant


Affiliate marketers for the most part, do not carry any risk since they do not-

- pay for the creation of the product or service being promoted

- affiliates do not handle customer service of the actual product or service (maybe upsells or bonus offers)

- affiliates do not need any up-front investments (sometimes there are latent costs on websites,promos, ad

spend, outsourcing, and services- which all make your life tremendously easy.

When you consider that those are the top three things prospective business owners and online business owners

want to avoid, thats why its no surprise that there are hundreds and thousands of affiliates worldwide.

In fact, if there is a single reason why the internet today is so inundated with online ads and banner ads,


because of affiliate programs and affiliate marketing alike.

Even though there are so many affiliate marketers out there, approximately the top 5% ever make any money

and only 1% of top affiliate marketers

make big money.


E-book and Information Publishing

Authors, E book publishers, and information product publishers need to be a little more disciplined with

their approach to internet marketing business. Obviously, ebook publishers may also need to invest more

time,effort, and money than affiliates do. While affiliates can get away trying to "get something for

nothing" the same is not true for the e-book internet business.

If you're thinking about publishing and selling your own e-book online, and you think it's going to be easy,

think again. Online publishers typically need to learn a lot more about internet marketing than affiliate

marketers are required to, but this is not always true , as many affiliate marketers are online ebook

publishers as well. You'll need to spend some amount of money getting your business up and running.

The reason why e-book marketers and "online info products" usually make more money is simple; they have very

low overhead on

production, logistics, and maintenance costs.

Most info and digital products hardly cost anything when they are produced by the millions if necessary,

and usually initial start-up costs can be recouped by selling just a few copies of high-margin info products

and e-books.

One of the best perks to publishing info products and ebooks is that you can recruit an army of affiliates

whom are more than willing to spend time, money , and effort on selling for you. Just think Amazon, Ebay,

Clickbank, Affiliate Networks, and many other online marketing methods.

Obviously, it is usually not as easy as it sounds, but you would be surprised that when executed properly,

the "Info Products and E-book Publishing" online business model is a truly profitable and sound online

business idea.
3) Internet Based Network Marketing
Many people state that the internet and network marketing are a match made in heaven.

Although almost 90% of people get it wrong when it comes to Internet based network marketing.

A lot of online marketers in this business usually think they are talking about network marketing, but in

reality they are referring to affiliate marketing.

They try to make the internet do all the work for them while they hide behind their computers and pretend

everything will be fine. Typically this does not work,

as an affiliate marketer should be building relationships (online and offline) and utilizing other peoples

contacts and networks. You would be surprised at what you can accomplish and what opportunities may present

themselves with a little networking. This paragraph may sound like an oxymoron, but keep in mind you would


presenting your own opportunities to other contacts and networked contacts and vice versa.

Internet based network marketing and affiliate marketing are simple if you take the time to understand

it,learn it, and are also willing to put in the time,effort, and money .

The role of the internet currently is only to get you the names and contact details of people you can talk


after which you, not a computer, has to build a relationship with said people and help them to start their

own internet business.

Utilizing social networking websites for related business contacts and also for online marketing purposes

have also proven to be very lucrative for a myriad of online and offline business owners.

Due to the above statement, it is not necessary for you to have some high-tech system and pretend that your

auto responder is building relationships for you, maybe for products , but not true networking contacts.

Developing real contacts and opt in email lists to further market and to further build customer/contact

relationships is a very tedious, time consuming, and exhausting process.

The key is to have simple systems -KISS - "Keep It Simple Stupid" systems that are easy and can be

duplicated, something

you can teach to all those contacts and customers you have built a relationship with over a period of time.

E-book authors, no matter what they say, have no obligation to teach you their "How to Become a Millionaire

Online Overnight” or any variations of that. The reason is simple; why tell anyone the absolute truth when

you would just end up as their competitor anyways? No one wants more competitors, right?
Internet based network marketing is very much the opposite of that. You need to tell people just about

everything you know or your online business will never take off.

For this reason alone, it has been recommended that if you're new to the online world, you need to first

learn everything you can about internet marketing, online advertising, and affiliate marketing .Information

overload can and will stop you before you even get started, thats if you let it.

No matter which internet marketing model, affiliate marketing model, or online business model you choose,

make sure you understand the basics of online marketing, and stop listening to and buying things that are

not applicable to your business plans.

Keep in mind that the more you outsource your daily , mundane tasks - the more you will be able to

effectively focus on growing and diversifying your online business. This ties back into your networked

contacts, whom can probably refer you to reputable internet marketing companies that they have used and/or

currently use themselves.


Friday, October 1, 2010

Affiliate Marketing - Ways To Increase Your Affiliate Commissions Overnight

Ways To Increase Your Affiliate Commissions Overnight

In the realm of internet marketing, there is affiliate marketing , which does not require having a website, or dealing with consumers, or refunds, or product creation and maintenance. Affiliate marketing is one of the easiest and most powerful ways of launching an online business with next to no overhead, keeping in mind that you will eventually have to invest your time, efforts, and money.

If you are already signed up as an affiliate with an affiliate program, then you already have a basic overview of affiliate marketing. So the next question would be

" How Do I Generate Affiliate Income Like The Super Affiliates?"

Here are some extremely powerful affiliate marketing tips on how to supercharge your affiliate commissions sometimes overnight.

1. Research and find the best affiliate programs and affiliate products to promote. Moreover, you would want to promote an affiliate program that will enable you to achieve the greatest affiliate profits in the shortest amount of time possible. Patience, persistence, learning affiliate tactics , and having a plan of action for your affiliate marketing business are all a recipe for success. Typically things do not happen overnight, but if you find the right niche markets or other mainstream markets that already get a a lot of exposure you will be well on your way to achieving affiliate commissions.

When choosing which affiliate programs and affiliate products to promote, there are a number of factors to consider when selecting such a program. Find the affiliate programs that have a lucrative affiliate commission structure. Find related products that fit in with your target audience and niche markets. Make
sure any affiliate program or affiliate networks that you decide to sign up for has a proven track record of paying their affiliates easily and on time. If you cannot seem to increase your investments, drop that affiliate program and keep seeking out affiliate programs that work for your particular market or vertical.

Currently there are thousands of affiliate programs online which allows any affiliate the means to be picky of which affiliate networks they sign up for and promote. Obviously when internet marketing and affiliate marketing , you are always researching new services, markets , and verticals and tracking the results from your affiliate marketing strategies.

Writing free reports or short teaser ebooks to distribute from your site is an excellent way to capture users information, which you can now use to do some backend affiliate email marketing . Keep in mind that there is a possibility that you are competing with other affiliates that are promoting the same affiliate
programs, affiliate products, and affiliate networks. This is why writing a short report related to the products you are promoting, you will be able to distinguish and brand yourself differently from the other affiliates.

When creating and writing these brief viral affiliate reports , provide some valuable and pertinent information for free while keeping in mind not to divulge to much information in one report. If possible, add some recommendations and reviews about the products that you are promoting. By utilizing viral ebooks or
viral reports are an excellent means of you gaining credibility for your brand.
Customers will notice that you are knowledgeable and they will be enticed to try out other affiliate offers you are promoting.

2- Collect and save all email addresses of consumers that download your free ebooks. It has been

statistically proven that consumers do not make a purchase on the first solicitation for the most part, keep

in mind also that it has also been statistically proven that it takes 6-7 follow up emails before an interested consumer purchases your affiliate promotions.

This is the reason why you should always collect the users contact information from those who have downloaded your free viral reports and viral ebooks. Email marketing and customer relations are an excellent way to gain more profits and also to keep customer retention up. As it has also been proven statistically proven that it is five times more expensive getting one new client then developing a relationship with your loyal followers.

Make sure when you always collect the contact information of a prospect before sending them to the vendor’s website. Affiliates always need to keep in mind that you are providing free online advertising for the product and service owners. You as an affiliate only get paid only when you make a sale. Sending prospects
directly to the vendors website is no longer a smart choice in the affiliate marketing world, and chances are that your prospect would be lost to you forever.This is why when you collect email addresses and their names, you will always be able to follow up with other affiliate marketing messages to them while earning a residual affiliate commission instead of a one-time sale only.

Another great means of affiliate marketing is publishing an online newsletter or Ezine. It is always best to recommend a product to someone you know than to sell to a complete stranger. The purpose behind publishing your own newsletter is it also allows you to develop a solid relationship while branding you as an expert in
whatever vertical works for you as an affiliate.

This affiliate marketing strategy boils down to a delicate balance between providing useful information with a sales pitch. If you continue to write informative editorials, blog posts , forum posts, and newsletters-
you will be able to build a sense of trust with your readers that may lead them to support you by buying more of your affiliate products and affiliate promotions.

3. Pay per click advertising as an affiliate can be very exciting if you know what you are doing. We highly recommend learning one PPC network at a time and start off with small keyword bids and daily limits per campaigns.

Writing effective Pay Per Click ads. PPC search engines are one of the most effective means of advertising

online and marketing online. As an affiliate, you can make a decent income just by managing multiple PPC

campaigns such as Google AdWords, Yahoo Search Network, and Microsoft ad center.

Please be very careful with PPC advertising as you can lose your shirt in practically minutes or even

seconds if you do not have a clue.
When you have your PPC campaigns you need to track and optimize for optimum efficiency,low costs per clicks

and better ad quality .You can also create different ads per ad group for split testing purposes, this

allows you to monitor your results with different ads to see which ones are performing better and which ads

are not doing well.

Do some further research into at the very least PPC advertising as this can bring instant traffic, but pay

per click advertising has its ups and downs as well. PPC advertising has become very popular which in turn

has driven up ad costs, now depending on which markets you are in as an affiliate, you should be able to

make any PPC campaign work for you but it is going to take time and and a lot of tweaking of ads,ad groups,

keywords and campaigns.

If and when you figure out PPC , you can ultimately generate a healthy income from your efforts.

If you are in need of affiliate management services, pay per click advertising services, or internet marketing services

Please visit


Thursday, September 30, 2010

Blogging And Pinging - The Basics of Blogging and Pinging

Blogging And Pinging - The Basics of Blogging and Pinging

So what exactly are blogs and pinging?

A blog is a website where members can discuss online their views on a

particular topic. There are some blogs that are general in nature where people can discuss anything and

there are also blogs where you can discuss only on a particular topic. However it is advisable that when you

start a blog it should not be generalized but it should be created on a particular and specific topic.

For example-

 Instead of starting a blog on a general topic such as technology, you can start a blog only on internet

marketing technologies. There are also a lot of blog softwares that you can use on your server or desktop

that can help you manage your blogs efficiently.

Blogs have become very useful for SEO marketing, SEM marketing, backlinking, branding, and social networking

and social marketing. By creating and controlling your blogs you can advertise your main websites site on

these blogs for more exposure.

Blogging and Pinging Tactics -

Blogging and pinging is a process through which you can post a snippet of information from your site to a

blog to increase your SEO rankings. When you post snippets of articles or content from your website  on the

your blogs, search engine sites like Google and Yahoo will be able to discover your blogs andf interior

pages of your blogs and websites. Due to these simple blogging processes, most major search engines will be

able to track your website more effectively due to the in depth spidering and indexing processes. You can

blog and ping only very important information from your site and not all information as your websites actual

content will now be duplicated. Duplicate content is a major mistake for any webmaster as this will only

hurt websites in the long run.

Blog Advertising and Blog Promotions-

There are numerous ways to promote a blog or website, but the trick of it is  to find the easiest, cost

efficient , and effective methods of syndicating your content and ads all over the web. When promoting a blog

, you should seek out blog directories to list your blogs on, as well as RSS directories , which utilizes

your blogs RSS feed to syndicate your content all over the web.

RSS- Real Simple Syndication...

Bloggers can also promote there blogs by utilizing PPC networks, Ad Networks, Rich Media advertising, banner

advertising, social networking and social bookmarking, link exchanges, sponsored posts, blogging on other

blogs, forum marketing, viral marketing, press release services, video creation and submission to top video

directories online, mobile ad networks, and many many other internet marketing tactics.

Setting up a tight niche market blog efficiently can allow a blog owner to spend less time with there blogs

via special auto blog posting softwares and other third party services such as and hootsuite.

Utilizing special softwares and scripting can sometimes make a blog owners life a little less stressful all

while being able to generate an income from affiliate marketing , CPC ads, CPA networks, selling blog ad

space, sponsored blog posts from other webmasters and much much more.

When it comes to blogging, pinging, RSS feeds, and social networking- the profit potential is unlimited.

Stay tuned for the next blog advertising network articles.


Sunday, September 19, 2010

list of new article directories -

how to blog - overview on getting started with blogging

 How To Blog - A beginners guide to Blogging Online

A blog is basically an online journal where anyone can digitally write down your thoughts, ideas, opinions and practically anything that you want people to read and possibly comment on. Blogs come in different styles, formats, and platforms, all depending on the preference of the user. Many blogging sites, offer built in features such as hyperlink, straight texts, pictures, videos, social networking tools, etc.

Some blogging sites, even allow you to put video and mp3's on your blogs.
Instead of writing texts, some bloggers choose to make their blogs more audio friendly, by using spoken word entries. This is called audio blogging.

Basically a blog contains these features:

title- which allows you to label your post

body- this is the content of your

trackback- other sites can be linked back to your blog

permanent link- every article that you write has a URL

comments- this allow readers to post comments on your blog.

One of the advantages of blogging, is that it is made of only a few website templates. Unlike, other websites that are made up of numerous individual pages. This makes it efficient for blog users to create new pages as it already has a fixed setting that includes:

 slots for title, body of the post, category, etc.

This is especially useful for first time users, since they can start blogging right away. They can chose
from a  number of pre made website templates that blogging websites provide.Anyone who wants to start a blog can do so by becoming a member of a blogging website of their choice.

Free blogging platforms that allow AdSense

 Once you sign up and become members, you automatically become a part of that particular blogging community.
You can now browse through other bloggers pages, comment on blogs of interest (don't spam) and you can also link them back to your own blogs.
Blogging is not just limited to personal usage. There are a myraid of blogs that are developed for:
commercial blogging and branding, sports, world news, finance, stocks, politics, philosophy, home and
garden, technology, social commentary, - the sky is the limit. These blogs are created based on their
specific themes or there niche. Blogging now becomes a medium in which people can share their knowledge,
views, and opinions on a number of niches, themes, and topics.

Some bloggers even use their blogs as a means to advertise for other companies' products or services directly or as an affiliate via affiliate programs.

Nowadays in education, blogs also play a vital role in communication with students,teachers,mentors,
faculty and more. Professors of schools, private schools, colleges and private colleges use blogging to document the lessons that they have researched, discussed
and/or taught. This allows students whom have missed previous classes to easily catch up with their
assignments and also allows for an open channel for discussion and further enlightenment on any given topic
that has been posted. This concept is very powerful as it creates an open channel for a viral discussion,
further engaging students, professors, and researches alike to broaden there horizons on any given topic or

Millions of entrepreneurs, online and offline, benefit tremendously by blogging and promoting their
businesses on their blogs. By doing so, they have the possibilty of eventually seeing millions and millions
of people logging onto their website or blog everyday. Blogging  and social networking combined have fast
become a very powerful means of virally spreading the word online.

Many bloggers run online businesses  by way of promoting their products and services online. While other
many other bloggers strictly profit through advertisements and affiliate programs. Still, the most popular
blog type is the one that takes the form of a personal journal. This type of blog is usually used by first
time bloggers or newbies. Real people who want to document their daily lives, opinions on any given topic,
poems,  and anything they deem interesting, find that blogging offers them a medium in which to express
themselves worldwide.
Blogging creates a community of people sharing their ideas, thoughts, views and
comments with each other and the world.

Blogs varying on different topics, themes, and niche markets, can be found  at blog directories. First time
bloggers who want to get an idea of what the blogging world is all about can browse through a myriad of
different blogs using these directories. New bloggers should be able to get an idea of what blogging are all
about. New bloggers should also keep in mind that after they staret there blog , they to can use these blog directories to list there blogs and RSS feeds  for more exposure and web traffic.

 There are no rules when it comes to blogging and bloggers have the freedom to express themselves how ever
way they like, which in millions of established bloggers eyes is the best thing about blogging.  Blogging is
really for anyone and everyone- It is fun, simple, and can turn into profitable as well if you play your
cards right.

Get Paid for Blogging


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Press release directory website accepting new business press releases

New Press Release Website Announces Accepting Beta Testers
New Press Release distribution and newswire distribution service providing exclusive PR 2.0 press release,media release,and social media release distribution services.
Are you looking for a innovative way to receive more internet exposure while branding your company as a success, or are you a pr firm looking for the newest press release and newswire technologies and services to get your clients maximum exposure. Whatever the case maybe, is now offering and allowing free press release submissions while they are in beta testing mode and now is the time to take advantage of this powerful internet marketing opportunity. is allowing any new beta tester an opportunity to submit one very well written press release per day each and every month until they decide to pre launch and then ultimately launch there all inclusive innovative press release distribution service, media release distribution service, social media release distribution service, newswire distribution service, PR 2.0 packages, video distribution services, press release writing services, and much much more.
The internet has become one of the most powerful, fastest and cheapest ways for any business to make a substantial impact on the bottom line of their existing business. Fortunately, the internet is ever evolving and is also very competitive so there is never a shortage of new methods, services, and strategies for marketing any business online.
The current recession has made everyone including business owners spend less in advertising and marketing, the ones who keep spending and diversifying their advertising and marketing budgets will be the ones who will end up seeing the long term success.

New Press Release Website Announcing Accepting Beta Testers

New Press Release distribution and newswire distribution service providing exclusive PR 2.0 press release,media release,and social media release distribution services.
Are you looking for a innovative way to receive more internet exposure while branding your company as a success, or are you a pr firm looking for the newest press release and newswire technologies and services to get your clients maximum exposure.

Whatever the case maybe, is now offering and allowing free press release submissions while they are in beta testing mode and now is the time to take advantage of this powerful internet marketing opportunity. is allowing any new beta tester an opportunity to submit one very well written press release per day each and every month until they decide to pre launch and then ultimately launch there all inclusive innovative press release distribution service, media release distribution service, social media release distribution service, newswire distribution service, PR 2.0 packages, video distribution services, press release writing services, and much much more.

The internet has become one of the most powerful, fastest and cheapest ways for any business to make a substantial impact on the bottom line of their existing business. Fortunately, the internet is ever evolving and is also very competitive so there is never a shortage of new methods,services,and strategies for marketing any business online.

The current recession has made everyone including business owners spend less in advertising and marketing, the ones who keep spending and diversifying their advertising and marketing budgets will be the ones who will end up seeing the long term success. Let the internet and lead the way!


Blogging Directories and blog advertising networks

Blogging Directories and blog advertising networks

If you want to have more people visit your blogs, there
are plenty of blog directories and blog advertising networks on the web that
you can submit your blog to for more exposure , backlinks, SEO, and traffic. Most blog directories are listed by topics that the blogs are submitted to.

Blog Catalog is one of the most powerful and free blog directory that offers
categories such as career and jobs, writing, education, and
many many others. BC has features such as featured blogs
and other things to offer those who submit their blogs
to there exclusive directories.

Another great place to add your blog is Not only do they have an an
extensive list of categories with sub categories, you
can get your blog reviewed, you can get paid for sponsoring other online advertisers blog posts, and you can even get paid to write blog posts,press releases and more.

Blog directories and blog advertising networks
are a great place to advertise your blog, make
new friends, and gain more exposure.

Some of the blog directories offer chat features as well, so that
you can meet other people easily,socialize , and viralize your blogging and internet marketing tactics.

As you can see, blog directories and blog advertising networks are a great place to
get your blog noticed, bring people to read your
blog, bring search engines to your blog, and to gain more of an authority SEO and SEM presence.


Wednesday, September 8, 2010, an innovative search engine, explains the basic inner workings of search engines and search engine technologies

How Search Engines Return Hits So Quickly

Search engines work by indexing as many servers connected to the web as they possibly can ahead of time. This is called crawling in the industry. The most recent, and most intuitive entrant to the search engine fray is I-beta sought, and achieved, to provide a truly international experience for every visitor.

Most internet users have had the occasion to use a search engine. They, however, have either never considered how search engines work, have presumed incorrectly. Search engines do not scour the web the moment a search is executed. It would be almost impossible to search every page on every server connected to the internet and return hits within mere fractions of a second.

Search engines work by indexing as many servers connected to the web as they possibly can ahead of time. This is called crawling in the industry. The results of these crawls are stored in the search provider's server. Search engines use spiders to crawl the web, visiting and reviewing large numbers of pages and sites, both new and old, alike. When users enter a word, phrase or combination of words in the provider's search box, the search is conducted within the engine's servers to find those combinations of words. When users search different engines, often different results are obtained because each search engine currently uses different methods to categorize relevancy, thus indexing differently and interpreting the search differently to provide the indexed sites. Search engine administrators also build value added items around their engines. Some search engines reside within a portal. Others, stand alone and focus on just searching. Some provide email, news entertainment and a whole host of other trinkets to attract users to their sites and remain loyal to their engine.

The most recent, and most intuitive entrant to the search engine fray is I-beta sought, and achieved, to provide a truly international experience for every visitor. It's a search engine that allows users to customize their landing page to almost any language they choose. I-beta is an uncluttered search-only site that is not imbedded within a portal amidst volumes of data. Its sole purpose is to search, locate and provide results. To this end, developers allows users to specifically search certain categories. For example users can search specifically for images, video, news, sports, audio, forums, blogs, wikis, PDF or Amazon. This automatically reduces the hit results will only include relevant searches to that category.

When searching images, which are notorious for being contaminated with viruses and trojans, i-beta allows users to preview the image in two ways without leaving the i-beta site. The first is a thumbnail, which while small is quite clear. The second Is a larger image view that give more than adequate clarity and visitors can inspect if there are any pop ups or if the site is from a trustworthy administrator.

I-beta also has a program for affiliates and affiliate publishers for there PPC ad network.. This allows participants to earn an income by placing i-beta's customer's advertisements on their site. These advertisements are pay-per-click advertisements where the participants earn when visitors to their site click on an advertisement. This affiliate program is customizable and lets participants choose which advertisements to display on their site.


Saturday, September 4, 2010

Local Daily Deal Website Revolutionizes Local Coupon and Local Daily Deals Industry is now providing smart consumers more convenience than ever before when it comes to saving on products and services they purchase from local businesses. With the recent release of the new local coupon and local daily deal search engine, locals shoppers now have access to more local daily deals and local coupon savings in there area. features innovative technology such as online opt-in for mobile coupons, a virtual coupon dashboard to monitor your coupons and deals purchased, social media sharing and search engine optimization give's consumers even greater opportunities to save with local businesses wherever they are – online, on their mobile phones or out shopping the local merchants. offers many technological advancements on their new local daily deal ,local coupon and local group buying website, such as their two-tier affiliate program. 's website emulates popular online social group buying websites, all of which have monstrous consumer followings. These local group buying websites are as follows -
Groupon, Living Social, Web Piggy, and a handful of other websites
The new features on were created to ease consumers search for savings from local businesses. In addition to new design and layout improvements, which provide for easier site navigation, modifications in more detail, include:

  • A ‘ online virtual coupon envelope’ - Which displays all of the consumers local businesses they are following and local coupons which were purchased from said local businesses.

  • Mobile coupons/SMS coupons – This feature allows consumers the ability to opt-in to individual local advertisers’ SMS text and local mobile coupon advertising campaigns

  • Social Coupons - Social Sharing and social bookmarking of local daily deals with others through social media sites such Facebook,Twitter,LinkedIn, RSS feeds,blog networks,Local US business directory websites, and many many more.

  • Local Coupons- Links to the advertisers’ websites and email displayed with their online coupon , pictures of business,products, links, and even video ads per daily deal.
  • is optimized for almost all major mobile phone networks, allowing users to browse through easy-to-use text versions of local businesses coupons on
For local businesses in communities across the USA, the advanced technology enhancements on the new website along with the new two tier affiliate program significantly increases the reach of their local business advertisers' social coupons and local daily deals.
With the innovative modifications on Locals, they have further tightened their grip in their unwavering commitment to connecting local businesses owners with the local consumers they serve in their communities. The innovative advancements made to LocalsCoupons’ coupon search engine come as the local coupon website continues to strengthen its leading position in local online couponing, local daily deals, and local group buying industries. Through strategic local marketing and local advertising alliances, has significantly expanded their reach of its local business owners' coupons to thousands of websites, pay per click networks, affiliate networks, local websites, social ad networks, social media networks, video networks, search engines and many many other online advertising mediums.
About - new social local coupon website "" - now provides local daily deals in all major US cities from local businesses at up to 95% off. experience social group buying like never before


Sunday, August 29, 2010

Local Advertising for Local Business Owners, with Local Coupons For Free

Advertise Local Deals for FREE!!!
 Modern day technology has revolutionized today's advertising.  It has never been so easy to find a good deal on a product than today with all the pop-ups and coupon websites that are around.  For the modern day consumer coupons sites are just a big sea of confusion, sometimes you just get so lost looking for the right deal it is easy to forget what you are looking for.  Well there is a better way to do it now for the both the consumer and the business owner. 
For most local business owners, advertising is a very costly process so most of the time it is something that gets overlooked with all the other expenses.  Local advertising is really not something that business owners want to spend a lot of money on because it does not always reap the rewards of the finances spent, because most advertising is taken up by the big corporations.  This is a free local advertising site,Local Coupons is a easy way for business owners to advertise their local daily deals to the people in their community.  This is a group buying website designed to help businesses see their full potential in a competitive market.  These deals can reach up to 95% off of the retail value, so for consumers this is something they have been waiting for.  Social group buying sites are convenient but sometimes very confusing, this is more of a retro way of advertising where the items are easy to find and the businesses are made up from your average day entrepreneur all the way up to the corporate level.  It is so easy a fruit stand vendor could use the site to advertise bundle packages of fruit, and go on about his or her daily duties.  This local coupon website  is still at a good stage for local businesses that are looking to take advantage of the tools that are out there waiting.
The days of vendors waiting in the town square are over.  In today's market the techniques used to get a deal are not bartering with the merchant to see how low they will go or trading livestock for products.  The times have definitely changed, if you want a good deal nowadays you just get on-line, type it in, check it with a few other sites, and there it is.  The site  a great place to look for these deals, it brings local daily deals to one place so you know you are getting the best deal all around, and to make it better businesses can use it for FREE so they can have more flexibility on the deals provided.  There is no reason to not give it a shot, in a market full of so many ideas on how to make or save money, can you really get better than a FREE advertising website?


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Local Business Owners Take Advantage of Locals Coupons and Advertise Local Deals for Free

Advertise Local Deals for FREE!!!
Modern day technology has revolutionized today's advertising.  It has never been so easy to find a good deal on a product than today with all the pop-ups and coupon websites that are around.  For the modern day consumer coupons sites are just a big sea of confusion, sometimes you just get so lost looking for the right deal it is easy to forget what you are looking for.  Well there is a better way to do it now for the both the consumer and the business owner. 
For most local business owners advertising is a very costly process so most of the time it is something that gets overlooked with all the other expenses.  Local advertising is really not something that business owners want to spend a lot of money on because it does not always reap the rewards of the finances spent, because most advertising is taken up by the big corporations.  This is a free advertising sit is an easy way for business owners to advertise their local daily deals to the people in their community.  This is a group buying website designed to help businesses see their full potential in a competitive market.  These deals can reach up to 95% off of the retail value, so for consumers this is something they have been waiting for.  Social group buying sites are convenient but sometimes very confusing, this is more of a retro way of advertising where the items are easy to find and the businesses are made up from your average day entrepreneur all the way up to the corporate level.  It is so easy a fruit stand vendor could use the site to advertise bundle packages of fruit, and go on about his or her daily duties.  This site is pretty new,  is still at a good stage for local businesses that are looking to take advantage of the tools that are out there waiting.
The days of vendors waiting in the town square are over.  In today's market the techniques used to get a deal are not bartering with the merchant to see how low they will go or trading livestock for products.  The times have definitely changed, if you want a good deal nowadays you just get on-line, type it in, check it with a few other sites, and there it is.  The site  a great place to look for these deals, it brings local daily deals to one place so you know you are getting the best deal all around, and to make it better businesses can use it for FREE so they can have more flexibility on the deals provided.  There is no reason to not give it a shot, in a market full of so many ideas on how to make or save money, can you really get better than a FREE advertising website?


Saturday, August 21, 2010

search engine technology -Simple Yet Powerful Search Engine Minus The Frills

Simple Yet Powerful Search Engine Minus The Frills

When a user initiates a search with a search engine, the actual search is conducted within the engine's servers to find those combination of words. What makes i-beta stand out is the way it presents the hits. It is more than a search engine in the conventional sense of the term. I-beta also makes it simple for everyday users who have their own blog spots or websites, to earn additional revenue by becoming an affiliate or ad publisher of i-beta.

Today's search engines have ingeniously evolved over two decades becoming an indispensable tool to mine information. Even though search engines are sophisticated tools, they lack completeness. The results of a search shown by any one engine are a function of the pages their spiders have crawled and the method the providers use to index the data.

Search engines use spiders to crawl and garner information on servers, worldwide. The data retrieved from these crawls are stored in the search provider's server. Search engines use spiders to crawl the web. When a user initiates a search, the actual search is conducted within the engine's servers to find those combinations of words. Each search engine currently uses different methods to categorize relevancy, thus indexing differently and interpreting the search differently to provide the indexed sites. Different engines yield different results and rankings.

i-beta conducts its searches the same way other engines do. What makes i-beta stand out is the way it presents the hits. It is more than a search engine in the conventional sense of the term. Its strengths are in the method it displays hits and affords users the flexibility to choose relevant categories. The engine resides in an uncluttered environment, evidence to its focal objective to perform searches. To this end, developers allows users to specifically search certain categories. For example users can search specifically for images, video, news, sports, audio, forums, blogs, wikis, PDF or Amazon. This automatically reduces the hit results will only include relevant searches to that category.

The way i-beta presents the hits is a refreshing change. For example if an image search was initiated in the image category, all images are displayed where the user is allowed to inspect the image without visiting the site, if then users want to chase the category using the same key words, a click on the new category will result in the same keyword hits in a different category.

With hardly any lag and accurate search results using i-beta has proven to be a pleasure. Users' browsing security is a top priority here. I-beta also makes it simple for everyday users who have their own blog spots or websites, to earn additional revenue by becoming an affiliate of i-beta. These advertisements are pay-per-click advertisements where the participants earn when visitors to their site click on an advertisement. This affiliate program is customizable where participants can choose the advertisements that display on their site allowing participants to decline advertisements from advertisers as they see fit.


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Local Business Owners Now Utilizing Local Coupon Websites and Social Group Buying Websites In There Local Advertising Campaigns

Local Business Owners Now Utilizing Local Coupon Websites and Social Group Buying Websites In There Local Advertising Campaigns

Local businesses are so important to the economic structure that we have become accustomed to.  No matter whether it be a small business or a worldwide corporation they are what most people depend on to make money or to spend money, but one way or another the people who live nearby are the ones who will directly affect the growth of any local business large or small. is a website that allows local business owners to advertise local daily deals on-line.  Now, what that means to the local business owner is that they can advertise their product or service without keeping a large inventory if for instance they have a business where they order their supplies for the individual prospect.

The whole idea is that today is definitely the age of technology, and any business that would like to realize its full potential in today's market must incorporate this technology for that purpose.  The tools that gives each local business the means to promote social group buying so the business can advertise their deals(local coupons), so that they can move large amounts of service and/or products in a little amount of time.  Think about like this, group buying is like having your own T.V. channel  that prospects can be referred to to get a great deal, and who doesn't like a great deal.  These tools are important, today people do not really have the time or money to do the kind of shopping that they would like to do so this is a way to address both issues. Time is our enemy in today's market, and it is becoming harder for people whether business owner or customer to have the time to make sure they get a good deal.

The social advertising at will save the local business owner and the customers a lot of time because of the convenience of computers and the internet.  As for the "coupon clippers", this is like a dream come true. The local advertising for the business will allow these deals to be customized to the will of the business owner, and customers will know that they are getting the best deals.

The technology of today has totally reshaped most markets and verticals .  If a local business does not incorporate local marketing in its arsenal of successful tools, it just makes it more difficult for the growth of the business.  It is much easier to log on to a website and search for a good deal rather than to go from store to store looking for that great deal, Local coupons will definitely put some order to the way people shop.  Local internet marketing is here, so for any local business owner who would like to reach their full potential, local on-line marketing should be one of the tools they use to promote these deals to the people.  Localcoupons. com cost no money to sign up so if you are the kind of business owner or consumer who has the drive to be successful, this is for you and your families future. Why should you wait any longer to save cash on local daily deals, only to see your dreams come true quicker, consumers and local business owners alike.

Please visit Locals Coupons to receive local daily deals in your area today.    


Search Engine Marketing Is Critical To All Businesses

Search Engine Marketing Is Essential to Every Business

Search engine sites are the de facto gateway to the internet providing an opportunity of global proportions for advertisers to grab a captive audience. XWEBSEO is the professional group of SEM experts with tremendous, focused and relevant expertise in planning and executing search engine marketing strategies.

Search engines provide an invaluable service to citizens of the web. Without search engines, the large amounts of data will be virtually inaccessible since finding it would be impossible. The web would be paralyzed. These search engines are an inextricable part of the web experience and every web user has used it and will continue to do so for as long as the web exists. By providing this service, it stands to reason that search engine sites become the de facto point of entry to the internet making it a gateway for every user to extract and make the web more useful for them. This provides an opportunity of global proportions for advertisers to grab a captive audience. There is comparatively no wastage in advertising dollars when the campaign targets this demographic of web users.

The web also presents many do-it-yourself opportunities when it comes to search engine marketing. A home business owner could, conceivably market a product to the entire internet world from the confines of home. While this is certainly a reality, it shouldn't be a certainty. Even though the barriers to executing an online campaign are virtually nil, this freedom to seemingly access the masses are better when tackled with the advice of a professional. There are numerous tricks of the trade and nuances that need to be understood tried and tested before undertaking such a task. A mere purchase of advertisements is not going to flood any site overnight with orders. Well at least this isn't the case for most products or services. The bottom lie is that a professional who has access to the channels and who knows how to use it, and more importantly how to use it cost effectively. Conversion is the end game of any advertising campaign, as it is within the confines of the web.

XWEBSEO is such a professional with tremendous, focused and relevant expertise in planning and executing search engine marketing strategies. They craft, perfect and deliver high-value, profitable SEM solutions. It integrates and builds on leading edge innovations and effective tactics in providing advertisers with the highest possibilities of return on advertising investments.

XWEBSEO's key success factor lies within their ability to lucidly train their focus towards the true objective of the task and apply the vast array of tools at their disposal to execute the plan flawlessly. There is no doubt the internet marketing professionals are a critical necessity in planning and deploying a successful interned marketing program be it an e-commerce site, website, brand management and even for brick and mortar businesses looking for exposure.


Wednesday, August 18, 2010 - How to Have Search Engine Results Presented Intuitively

How to Have Search Engine Results Presented Intuitively

The way i-beta presents the hits is unique. With hardly any lag and accurate search results using i-beta has proven to be a pleasure. I-beta is a search engine that allows users to customize their landing page to almost any language they choose.

Search engines use spiders to crawl and index information on servers, worldwide. The data retrieved from these crawls are stored in the search provider's server. When a search is initiated, the actual search is conducted within the engine's servers to find those combinations of words. Each search engine currently uses different methods to categorize relevancy, thus indexing differently and interpreting the search differently to provide the indexed sites. Different engines yield different results and rankings.

i-beta conducts its searches the same way other search engines do. What makes i-beta stand out is the way it presents the hits. It is more than a search engine in the conventional sense of the term. Its strengths are in the method it displays hits and affords users the flexibility to choose relevant categories. The engine resides in an uncluttered environment, evidence to its focal objective to perform searches. To this end, developers allows users to specifically search certain categories. For example users can search specifically for images, video, news, sports, audio, forums, blogs, wikis, PDF or Amazon. This automatically reduces the hit results will only include relevant searches to that category.

The way i-beta presents the hits is unique. For example if an image search was initiated in the image category, all images are displayed where the user is allowed to inspect the image without visiting the site, if then users want to chase the category using the same key words, a click on the new category will result in the same keyword hits in a different category.

With hardly any lag and accurate search results using i-beta has proven to be a pleasure. Users' browsing security is a top priority here. I-beta also makes it simple for everyday users who have their own blog spots or websites, to earn additional revenue by becoming an affiliate of i-beta. These advertisements are pay-per-click advertisements where the participants earn when visitors to their site click on an advertisement. This affiliate program is customizable where participants can choose the advertisements that display on their site allowing participants to decline advertisements from advertisers as they see fit. offers a truly international experience for every visitor. I-beta is a search engine that allows users to customize their landing page to almost any language they choose. I-beta is an uncluttered search-only site that is not embedded within a portal amidst volumes of data. Its sole purpose is to search, locate and provide results.


Friday, August 13, 2010

New search engine displays all 3 top search engine results -

Simple Yet Powerful Search Engine Minus The Frills

When a user initiates a search, the actual search is conducted within the search engine's servers to find those combinations of words. What makes i-beta stand out is the way it presnts the hits. It is more than a search engine in the conventional sense of the term. I-beta also makes it simple for everyday users who have their own blog spots or websites, to earn additional revenue by becoming an affiliate of i-beta.

Today's search engines have ingeniously evolved over two decades becoming an indispensable tool to mine information. Even though search engines are sophisticated tools, they lack completeness. The results of a search shown by any one engine are a function of the pages their spiders have crawled and the method the providers use to index the data.

Search engines use spiders to crawl and garner information on servers, worldwide. The data retrieved from these crawls are stored in the search provider's server. Search engines use spiders to crawl the web. When a user initiates a search, the actual search is conducted within the engine's servers to find those combinations of words. Each search engine currently uses different methods to categorize relevancy, thus indexing differently and interpreting the search differently to provide the indexed sites. Different engines yield different results and rankings. conducts its searches the same way other engines do. What makes i-beta stand out is the way it presnts the hits. It is more than a search engine in the conventional sense of the term. Its strengths are in the method it displays hits and affords users the flexibility to choose relevant categories. The engine resides in an uncluttered environment, evidence to its focal objective to perform searches. To this end, developers allows users to specifically search certain categories. For example users can search specifically for images, video, news, sports, audio, forums, blogs, wikis, PDF or Amazon. This automatically reduces the hit results will only include relevant searches to that category.

The way i-beta presents the hits is a refreshing change. For example if an image search was initiated in the image category, all images are displayed where the user is allowed to inspect the image without visiting the site, if then users want to chase the category using the same key words, a click on the new category will result in the same keyword hits in a different category.

With hardly any lag and accurate search results using i-beta has proven to be a plasure. Users' browsing security is a top priority here. I-beta also makes it simple for everyday users who have their own blog spots or websites, to earn additional revenue by becoming an affiliate of i-beta. These advertisements are pay-per-click advertisements where the participants earn when visitors to their site click on an advertisement. This affiliate program is customizable where participants can choose the advertisements that display on their site allowing participants to decline advertisements from advertisers as they see fit.


Sunday, August 8, 2010

New Local Social Network ” My” Announces Pre Launch Phase

New Local Social Network ” My” Announces Pre Launch Phase

With the launch of My Cities Finest this new site promise\’s to help people unite online in a new online experience, with features like Video Chat, Desktop Applications, and Mobile Phone Apps, My Cities Finest seems ready to take on the other big Social Sites.
With these other social networking sites already established its time for My Cities Finest to step in and make its own name, and provide a better user experience being able to load your own music. (must have exclusive rights to distribute the tracks) You will also be able to load your Portfolios online for everyone to see, everyone should believe that there the Finest, so everyone should log on and join and tell their friends, and when we start holding competitions on the web and in your city, we will Crown My Cities Finest Users, but will offer the Title to different local business that deserve that title. So we want all business to join and compete, so if your Modeling Agency, Film Studio, or Music Studio thinks its the best come show us why. It will also help you connect and be able to reach out to other members and get them involved, or shooting a movie or music video, need some extras reach out and cast some members local to you.
With My Cities Finest Just put out you can jump on the next greatest social network as it blossoms, so what are you waiting for go to and create your login today and start spreading the word today.
New Social Networking Website Helps To Promote Local Artist, Models, and Photographers.

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