The internet provides boundless information from every conceivable corner of the connected world. Searchgby is a search engine that is not embedded within a portal, rather it serves to allow users to locate what other search engines have indexed. Essentially searchgby allows to search all three search engines simultaneously.
The internet provides boundless information from every conceivable corner of the connected world. From images to data, to products and news, countless number of files exist, stored on servers around the world. All these data would be virtually useless if people searching, were not able to locate them. This is where search engines provide an invaluable service. Today's search engines scour the servers that make up the world wide web looking for data, indexing them for users to find. There a re a few different search engines, some more prevalent than others. Search engines have evolved over the last 20 years to what it is today. Some search engines reside within a portal that users customize. Others present a stand-alone. Now, the search engine ingenuity ceiling has yet again been surpassed with yet another valuable, yet ingenious advance – Searchgby.
Searchgby is a search engine that is not embedded within a portal, rather it serves to allow users to locate what other search engines have indexed. When searching on a particular engine, users will only find what that engine has indexed, that by no means is a complete and exhaustive search of the data that is sought. When searching with, the major search engines Google, Bing and Yahoo are used simultaneously to aggregate all the indexes. The information is then presented according to which engine was used. If the results between one engine and another are identical, searchgby edits the duplicates, giving user a three dimensional search experience.
Essentially searchgby allows to search all three search engines simultaneously. It then filters the results obtained from the three engines and displays unique hits. Searchgby also places a thumbnail screenshot of the homepage next to the hit. This feature makes searching safer as users can inspect the site before choosing it, thereby avoiding pop ups and spyware.
Another ingenious feature exclusive to searchgby is the ability to book mark an entire page or portions of the page including text on the page and images contained within the thumbnail screenshot, without even visiting the actual page.
When searching for images, users may also preview images on the results page and copy, edit those images for later use. This feature allows use fast preview of images and enhances the way images are loaded.
Searchgby also facilitates advances twitter searches by using the fast preview feature. User can witness live updates in real time and see the account the post originated from, including the account owner's picture.
Searching blogs is also made easier via searchgby. Using a fast preview feature, users can scroll multiple blogs as they would, reading a newspaper article.
Searchgby is a search engine developed by combining search results and aggregating them in a user-friendly, intelligent and functional use without the clutter other portals cramp into a page. Searchgby stands for search Google Bing Yahoo.

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